Rugs 101 We are constantly asked for rug advice from not just our customers, but also from strangers all over the globe. People email us pictures of rugs every day looking for estimated values, second opinions on sales prices, and cleaning and repairing suggestions....
Uncategorized Whoa. I blogged two entire times in 2015. That is two more times than I blogged in 2014, so I’m not going to beat myself up about it.Here at the shop things are rolling along as we enter our 38th year of business here in the US of A. My little toddler...
Uncategorized Aside from your standard Persian rug questions, it is very often that we get Persian food questions. Persian food is as yummy as Persian rugs are pretty…and…almost as complicated to make. So, I get a lot of take-out Persian food. I’ve compiled a list of...
Uncategorized I have failed at blogging. 🙂 Today is May 4, 2015, and I’m finally getting around to posting another blog post. If this post comes up as the most recent, and it is 2016, then I’ve failed miserably at blogging. Just want to put something out there to keep...
Uncategorized We have a new intern over here at the shop: Mom. She is somewhat teachable and works for cheap, so this arrangement has been a perfect solution to get a little help while my dad is away on business/fun/etc. Yes, you read that right, my father is out of...