If you’re reading this…
I have failed at blogging. 🙂 Today is May 4, 2015, and I’m finally getting around to posting another blog post. If this post comes up as the most recent, and it is 2016, then I’ve failed miserably at blogging. Just want to put something out there to keep me on track and accountable.
It has been a little over ten years since I started working here at the shop, and a lot has happened. We moved, our family grew, our inventory grew, and we got dragged into the 21st-century kicking and screaming. We now have a computer, an email address, a website, and as of this moment, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. I’m writing…on a blog. There is a lot to keep up with, and it is kind of foreign territory for our little family business. Not too long ago, the most high-tech thing in our shop was a solar-powered calculator, and at least 50% of our staff is more adroit with an abacus than with a computer. But, we’re going to give it a go.
Over the years, we’ve learned that an educated consumer is our best customer, so I’m going to use this platform to teach you what we know about rugs. Please excuse me while I also use this platform to teach myself about web design, social media, and marketing. Let’s get the spring cleaning session started! Wohoo! #ithoughtthiswascalledapoundsign
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Rugs 101: Parts of a Rug (Part II)
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Rugs 101: Parts of a Rug (Part I)
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My Experience with Window Tinting and Rug Fading
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