What’s in a Name?
We moved approximately 4 years ago from a small shop just a half-mile north of here to our bigger shop here on Howard Avenue. While we knew it would cause a shake-up for some of our customers, we had no idea that it would exasperate some to no end. Why? Because they couldn’t find us online or in the phone book. The reason behind this (as we’ve finally discovered!) is because many customers believe our store name to be Johann and Sons. Actually once, we had a customer come in laughing when he found out we were Persian because he believes our store to be own by a Scandanavian family by the name of Johanneson. Who knew?
Anyway, today, in the hopes of helping everyone find us, I bought a bunch of Johann domain names and a few other misspellings of our store. Perhaps you too are a small business owner who is perplexed as to why your own customers have a hard time finding you when you are right there? Do a little spell check and that might be the answers to your problems! (Well, maybe just one problem.
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